About Age Reversal Technology Center (ARTC) in Sarasota FL

Age Reversal Technology Center is a completely new and different type of ‘health promotion’ facility, a prototype for a new ‘Health’ care model that focuses on restoring and building health rather than just fighting disease in Sarasota FL.
Our Goal and Mission in Sarasota FL
Our goal and mission is to assist our patients and members to overcome their health challenges and achieve their health, performance, and appearance goals. Health is about balanced and optimum function; it is about living life to the fullest with vitality; it is NOT merely the absence of disease.
Healthcare is, or should be, about ‘building health,’ unfortunately, the medical education system and the Medical Industrial Complex focuses on diseases, fighting and/or managing them; there is no training about optimizing health.
Our Mission is to create a new model of what a true healthcare center should look like and operate. This involves our current prototype facility which is ever evolving. As we home in on a combination of what works health wise (we’ve pretty much gotten that covered) and what ‘resonates’ with people (what they want and need), our bigger goal is to duplicate these centers around the country.
The ultimate mission is to transform the current ‘disease care system, into a true ‘healthcare system.’
Many people are aware of the dysfunctional nature of the current system; however, you really can’t, or shouldn’t, tear something down without having something to put in its place. Thus, the mission.
Our Founder
ARTC is the brainchild and creation of Dr. Maximus MacCloud who began studying health, nutrition, and fitness in 1969. After college, he went on to train first as a Naturopathic Physician, earned his Doctorate in Nutrition and Holistic Health, and then after almost 15 years of practice went back to school to earn his Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine degree with a Fellowship in Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine.

Over the course of his 50+ years of study and 40+ years of clinical practice, he has learned a lot, and realizes how much more there is to learn, about optimizing health and performance. His passion is helping people; ARTC is his latest version of a clinical model to do just that.
‘Doc Max’ has put together the top modalities and technologies that he’s found and studied with the goal of bringing you this one-of-a-kind healthcare experience.
It all begins with reaching out to us to set up either an in-person or telephone consultation to see if our approach might be right for you and if you are a good match for us. We are here to stimulate and support your body’s innate healing response using a combination of well-documented modalities via what we call The Wolverine Healing Protocol (designed to unleash your body’s healing superpowers).
Expertise in the Regenerative Medicine Field
The tools we use are diverse, safe, and effective (unlike some other things that have been billed as safe and effective in the past few years). Doc Max has been using Diet, Nutritional supplementation, IV Nutrients, Physical Medicine for over 40 years, and Energy Medicine, Light Therapy, and Regenerative Injection Therapies for over 30 years.
In the area of Regenerative Injection Therapies, Doc Max has done more procedures than 99% of the doctors in the world as it was his #1 specialty for three decades. He experienced numerous musculoskeletal injuries as a young, naïve athlete who thought he was indestructible. He soon learned that he was NOT after sustaining injuries in multiple sports, car accidents, motorcycle accidents, and just plain doing dumb things like lifting small cars. He suffered from chronic neck, mid-back, lower back, shoulder, wrist, knee, and ankle injuries including multiple muscle tears. His search to get out of pain and restore function played a huge role in his long-term focus on non-surgical orthopedics. He brought Regenerative Injection Therapy (Prolotherapy) to the Sarasota area in the late 1990s.
Currently, he has been focusing on using human cellular tissue products including stem cells, growth factors, collagens, cellular messaging molecules, and exosomes to radically stimulate and enhance the regenerative process. Additionally, he developed The Wolverine Healing Protocol to unlock one’s healing superpower.
Call the office today or use the online booking feature.
10:00am - 5:00pm
10:00am - 5:00pm
10:00am - 5:00pm
10:00am - 5:00pm
10:00am - 4:00pm
Saturday and Sunday
Age Reversal Technology Center
6968 Professional Pkwy E
Sarasota, FL 34240